IDS Webcast: Acupuncture, Manipulation, & Myofascial Therapies with Dr. Janelle Renschler

The Indiana Dressage Society was pleased to host the webcast Acupuncture, Manipulation, & Myofascial Therapies for the Dressage Horse presented by Dr. Janelle Renschler. A view recording is available below.


1 Reply to "IDS Webcast: Acupuncture, Manipulation, & Myofascial Therapies with Dr. Janelle Renschler"

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    Carole Nowicke
    June 8, 2022 (11:49 am)

    This webinar was so helpful! Several friends and I have had Dr. Renschler treat our horses. The first treatment showed a definite improvement in my 21 year old mare’s hind limb range of movement. She also had helpful suggestions for dietary changes–and why to do so. I had no idea that our oversupply of iron would block nutrients beneficial for hoof growth.

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